Joel Catarino


Welcome to my personal webpage, if you are looking for a front end developer, you just found one

My name is Joel Catarino I am from Brazil and I am ready to give you solutions through my abilities to solve problems

I am currently looking for an opportunity for me to develop and have the first contact with the programming market

A little about me

My first contact with programming was in early 2020 with the development of digital games in the Java language. In fact, I did not like it very much, so at the end of 2020 and beginning of 2021 I went to full-stack web development in PHP where I had contact with HTML, CSS, Javascript, databases and of course, PHP.

In 2022 I had to take a short break from studying and enter the job market not related to technology... I worked with Administration for a year. In January 2023 I entered the faculty of systems analysis and development. I worked as Room Service in a hotel and continued studying Front end.

Currently, my main point is the front end because I identified with it more and soon I intend to migrate to the back end becoming a full-stack programmer. I believe that a programmer has to have both sides of the coin with an understanding of the front and back.

I am looking for an opportunity to show my work and migrate to the world of technology.

What I know so far?

Let me show you what I can do

Focus on the M.E.R.N Stack ( Mongo, Express, React, Node ). CRUD - Create Read Update Delete.

Basic operations performed on data in a database or computer system

How to find me

Feel free to contact me for any matter you are interested in.

If you wanna see my resume...

  • +55 (71) 99738-5375

© Copyright 2023 - Made by Joel Catarino.